Archive for November, 2009

Let’s sing the song :D

Posted: November 30, 2009 by arcoxia37 in Uncategorized

~hahaha….can u do that ??? 😛 ~


Jalan2 ke Kl & Penang

Posted: November 28, 2009 by I-Press in Uncategorized

1st of all, ak rasa the main objective of creating this successfully being achieved. Based on gosip sket2 (sket2 je kang bahaya lak, tp make sure ada pengajaran la), report activities from each batch yg boleh dikongsi bersama, program/event yg dh berlaku kt uia especially yg relate to ipha dan lain2. Cuma kita nk ramaikan lg penulis2 yg berkaliber. Ipress ni mmg sempoi2 , xmcm website (official).

Sebab tu, kat disclamer ada tulis ‘This blog is a community blog consisting of Pharmacy students of International Islamic University Malaysia. The contents of this community blog do not represent the university’s and kulliyyah’s stand towards any issues raised and discussed. They might be personal views and thus cannot be directly relied as true without further discretion.’ Selain drpd tu, kita nk kumpulkan semua penulis@blogger ipha di saluran yg tepat dan ipress will benefit all IPhA members.

Ok. Berbalik to title of this post, aku nk cite sket psl visit y3 sem1 to KL & Penang. Tempat dituju adalah MVP (Kilang vaccine), PRN & Hospital Penang. Visit ni under 2 subject (biopharmaceutical-elective & pharm. Pract III). 2 subjects, visit serentak. Perghhhh!

Apa yg aku nk cite kat sini, sape2  la yg kena (volunteer atau dipaksa) organize visit under subject, make sure korang check timetable korang (minta ngan k.wan if xdpt yg full). If xdpt check, korang ty course coordinator ada visit ke tak. Jangan sebulan sebelum tarikh visit, students pun bersusah pyh contact sana-sini utk pg visit. Jgn tunggu lecturers ckp ‘next month we’ll have a visit to bla bla bla…. Class rep?? Please arrange bla bla bla…. ‘. Kesian kat class rep. Pelik juga kan, visit under subject tapi students kena organize. Bz wo…. Tak per, empowering students. Dah la kelas 8pg-5pm, celah mana nk curi masa nk setelkan visit2 ni. Last2, terpaksa la organizing committees ni berkorban masa (a.k.a ponteng kelas).heheh.. Tp if dpt plan awal2 contoh 1st week  lg dh start buat keje, rasenyer xperlu nk ponteng kelas dh.

Biopharmaceuticals(previously known as biotechnology apa dh blkg dia, lupa) adalah subject elective y3 sem1, subjek ni kesinambungan biotech core course y2 je sebenarnya. Dr. Taher c.c. 75% y3 amik subject ni. Midsem ari tu ramai dpt tinggi2 wo…. Hahaha..

Pharm. Pract III lak, kitorang kena g PRN (pusat racun negara) kt USM utk tengok drug info. services & hospital penang utk tengok penggunaan ‘perubatan nuklear’.

Budget?? KOP bagi RM10 sorang  utk makan setiap hari. Bersyukur… Thanks KOP!

Transport bas?? Har… ini leceh wo..  korang kena g kt KOM n ….korang… ak xnk cite la. Kontroversi lak. Cuma korang bayangkan 2@3 ari before visit, baru nk confirm bas dpt ke tak. If dpt ok la, if tak dpt??? Nak cancel last minute visit tu?? Pk jgn tak pk…

Kesimpulan : plan awal2 & make sure ty c.c ada kena buat apa2 visit tak ….ahaa….


Gmbr yg menjadi kenangan….



Di Jabatan Nuklear, Hospital Penang.


BioMalaysia 2009..go on behalf CCLM?

Posted: November 27, 2009 by syaradhiyah in Uncategorized

salam. just wanna share something though it had happened a week ago.(^_^)

on 19th nov 09, right after final exam d day before, those from Rx7 who had taken Leadership Class – (sorry not sure what d exact name for this course) –> teruknya. (x_X) – we went to Bio Malaysia 2009 Conference and Exhibition. the theme was “Accelerating Commercialization in Biotechnology”. well, brief info about it: this was d strategic platform provided for d fresh ideas, practical solutions and collaborations for global n Malaysia biotechnology. Those expert were from other countries, local companies n researchers from universities.

For real, we expected to have some seminar which we would have to sit and listen. For a travel time of almost 3hrs, we only had to have some walks around the exhibition and scrutinized everything we interested to take a look at. Kira macam, jalan2 je la…

Alhamdulillah, fortunately we have taken Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, at least we somehow have get used with all those staffs they displayed. tak la macam rusa masuk kampung atau naive sangat..heheh.

Proud to know that IIUM also participated. 1 of d exhibitions was on d techniques to determine whether a chicken, had been slaughtered by islamic ways or by electrical mean. they used d RNAs.

O ya. since there was also food exhibitions, most of us would go there and tried for many times..sampai kenyang. isk3.

After all, some of us were so excited in collecting bags from d stalls as many as they can~ tp ade jugak yg balik dgn tgn kosong. sadis. tp xpe. atleast they got sth in their guts! thanx for those who displayed on foods n drinks~ burp..alhamdulillah.. (^_^)

However, 1 thing to ponder, BioMalaysia2009 was for biotech knowledge – okay that was good. But, going there for CCLM syllabus, didn’t it seemed like incongruous with d subject, did it? huhoh. (@_@)

note: CCLM for Y2 is on Leadership Skills.

The Reality : Kebenaran itu menyakitkan

Posted: November 23, 2009 by arcoxia37 in Uncategorized

Salam all.. Arcoxia menulis lagi pada hari ini, maklum jelah tgh cuti ni…menambahkan lagi entry2 di I-Press, sesuai sekali !  Hari ini Arcoxia terdetik untuk mencoretkan-coretkan  perihal suatu  subjek , suatu keadaan yang amat menakutkan bagi Future Pharmacists sekalian… tak lain dan x bukan……haa ape? Ape yg korang fikir ? pasal result..oh tidak..jgn diungkapkan lagi sekarang ini, beta ingin bercuti dgn senang lenang tanpa memikirkan hal itu …yeah ! eh, kan dah melalut. Pasal ni la, persepsi masyarakat tentang kita iaitu Pharmacist…

Pernahkah anda berfikir yg keadaan pharmacist sekarang umpama telur dihujung tanduk atau nyawa2 ikan ( err..ntah betol ke tidak peribahasa yg Arcoxia guna ni…..almaklumlah BM lanjutan mengalami kehancuran..adeyhh..).. ye betol..cuba anda tanya adek beradek ke… jiran2 ke..tahu x apa tu Pharmacy..apa pekerjaan pharmacist…. Arcoxia menulis ni ada sebab musababnya yg tersendiri. Alkmaklumlah baru je selesai CORP..(gune almaklum lagii..dah xde ayat lain ke ?!!!)..

Haa cerita pasal CORP, tajuk CORP yg Madam Rohani bagi, “Know Your Pharmacist”… Fikir punye fikir, diskusi punye diskusi, semue group pon ade tajuk masing2…Masa buat fieldwork tu la baru sedar tentang persepsi masyarakat ttg Pharmacist ini..knowledge diorang sangat sikit…. Teringat mase En Abd Aziz bagi talk pasal Community Pharmacist..Beliau cakap yg ade customer beliau memanggil beliau dgn gelaran Dr Pharmacist.. Wakakakaka ! serius lawak dowh… Doctor dgn Pharmacist pun xdapat beza ke ? mentang2 due2 pakai White Coat, x bermakna sama wahai masyarakat yg dihormati sekalian !!Doctor gune stetoskop la cik mek…Pharmacist gune lesung batu eh silap mortar n pestle 🙂

Berbalik pada cite CORP, ade satu group ni, buat pasal Smoking Cessation With Pharmacist…Target utama sekitar Terminal Makmur. Kebanyakan ‘mangsa’ ialah  pak cik2 taxi. Pak cik2 taxi ni x tahu beb pharmacist tu siape ! astaga…..soalan dalam survey berbunyi “Do U think that Pharmacist can help U to quit smoking…?” mule la mcm2 jawapan padahal di situ hanya dikehendaki tick yes or no sahaja…

“Pak cik x rase la Pharmacist ni boleh tolong kami2 ni berhenti merokok…..Diorang pun hisap sekali ! Diorang tu nak duit je jual barang !”

Kawan Arcoxia yg bikin itu survey dgn pak cik tu, hamper naik berang ! mn x nyer, kite ni di maki baek punyer.. Diorang x caye pharmacist ni boleh tolong , kwn2 Arcoxia ni pun bukan main lagi lah defend yg pharmacist can help them to quit smoking.

“ Pak cik, kat UIA, kitorang ade clinic utk tolong siape2 yang nak berhenti merokok..betol pak cik… Pensyarah kitorang yg buat bende ni..Namenyer Dr Haniki….Kalau pak cik nak berhenti merokok, boleh la dtg UIA ;)”

Bukan main lagi kwn Arcoxia, siap promote Dr Haniki.Mujur die x bg number phone Dr Haniki..kalau x, berduyun-duyun la yg dtg UIA cari Dr Haniki.. 😉

Tu baru cite sal Smoking Cessation, xmasuk lagi tajuk lain. Nuclear Pharmacy, lagi la, diorang fikir pharmacy ni buat bomb ! Yg buat Medicine Awareness pun mengalami masalah yg sm.. Who’s Pharmacist ??? I don’t know…”Saye akan cari Doktor kalau sakit nak mintak ubat, bukan Pharmacist…” Hai mcm mn kite nak menang dlm kes Dispensing Seperation ? Ni yg Madam Halimah naik angin ni ! Kesedaran public sangat kurang ttg pharmacist…care2 nak simpan ubat pun diorang xtahu sangat berdasarkan survey tu…

Sebut ttg kesedaran ni, teringat pulak status di FB beberapa bulan yg lalu. “ I am a DRUGGIST..I love DRUGS…” Hampeh, kwn Arcoxia comment, “Jauhi dadah, dadah berbahaya….”

Arcoxia gelak sorang2.. kwn aku ni suka suki je, die ingat aku ambil dadah ke ape… Buat pengetahuan kwn2 yg x amek Pharmacy, Druggist tu Pharmacist lew… Drug bermaksud  any substance, product or article intended to be used or capable, or purported or claimed to be capable, of being used on humans or any animals; whether internally or externally, for a medicinal purpose…;)

Dah meleret dah ni..moral of da story… kite sbg Future Muslim Pharmacist mesti lah ambil peranan dlm mengatasi hal kritikal ni.. ( skema betul ayat) kite mesti ubah mentality mereka ttg Pharmacist ! Pharmacist bkn pandai cari duit je, bukak bisnes, tapi penting dlm Pharmaceutical Care…So ape lagi, tepuk tangan, ask the brain what to do 😉

Chow Chow !




Posted: November 22, 2009 by arcoxia37 in This and That, Uncategorized

Orang : Hai… Lama x jumpe..pekabo ? Sihat ?
Aku : Hoi…sihat ! sihat ! cume mental x brape nak betol sikit… (gelak weng)

Orang : Nape mental x betol ? dah nak giler ke ? porke ????

Aku : Ala kau nie..mcm xtahu je..cuti aku dah nyawa²  ikan daa…dah nak pegi Kuantan.. mentally mmg not very well-prepared la.. waaaaaaaa…..

Orang : Owh..blaja kat Kuantan…Course ape yek ?

Aku : Kesian aku dgn kau nie, aku course ape pon tak tau ! Pharmacy la wey ! ubat tau tak ? haaa… tau lab ? buat ubat dlm lab ! 

Orang : Uix..i thought u ambik course lain…kan dulu ur ambition nak jadi lawyer ? dah terkubur mcm tue ke ur ambition ? (dgn nada perli)

Aku : Nampak gaya mcm tue la…tak ade rezeki nak jadi lawyer kot. hee. mcm x ade rupe seorang lawyer pon…cm x seswai u ! tp xpe…aku jd lawyer dah..LOYAR buruk ! wahahaha.

Orang : Nwy, x silap aku, bapak kau suruh kau amek accountin kan ? yg tue pon ko x minat jgk ?

Aku : aku dah hbs trial spm kot, die suruh aku amek acc..aku mcm wordless. yela, bkn aku minat sgt pon. aku blaja dulu pon sbb bapak aku yg suruh amek. sbb tue aku blaja je. bile dah hbs spm baru aku bgtau bapak aku, aku nak amek course lain. die redha je…die support my decision..

Orang : Kau minat ke pharmacy nie ? nape x amek medic  mcm kakak kau ? jadi doctor baru la GLEMER BEB !

Aku : Byk songeh la kau nie ! bia la die je yg amek medic…byk² dlm family bt pe…sorang cukup la..dah die amek medic, aku amek la kan..actually aku x minat pon pharmacy !
aku teramek pharmacy walaupon aku apply pharmacy dulu! lawakkan ? nie sume gara² kakak aku la, dy kate pharmacy xde bnde yg aku takot²kan sgt selama nie..poyo. haa in short, aku amek pharmacy nie sbb dy la ! kalau aku ckp kat bapak aku , aku x minat pharmacy pulak, mampos aku , kne sekeh kepala dgn dy ! wahahah

Orang : Kau x minat , abes tue nape amek jgk ?

Aku : Dah terjebak bai…no turning back ! terpaksa la amek..

Orang : yela kalau x minat, bkn ssh ke nak blaja ?

Aku : I’ll motivate myself..someone told me yg aku nie org yg boleh blja byk benda walaupon benda tue aku x minat. all i need is the blessing from Allah and my family. wait n see la coz i’ve been told that da secret of life is not to do what u like but to like what u do…

Yes, not to do what u like but to like what u do..that’s what i’m doing right now.. To love MORTAR n PESTLE ..
